Scaling datacentric and intelligent solutions on a corporate level with the right strategy and leadership

A group comprising 800 companies and a complex IT landscape presents multiple problems for data strategists. Add to that a multitude of different warehouses across the group and you have a real challenge. To solve it, Mercedes Pantoja helped to create a central data repository and works with all stakeholders to define and build platforms on which data can run on and scale. The biggest asset in this data journey is her style of leadership, which lets her serve the business need and helps all relevant entities to align.

Discover in this presentation:

– How to build platforms for a unified data architecture across multiple companies
– How to organize a core for the group while keeping agility at the edge
– Why servant leadership should a fundamental part of unified strategies

Mercedes Pantoja Calero

Head of Applications and Data Architecture


Smoother and Faster Operations through Cloud Technologies Services and Data Analytics

Modern Data Architecture - Digitalization strategy at Europe's biggest Beauty-Platform

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